Class 10 Board exams are something children hear all their schooling life. It has been glorified as a crucial pedestal in one learning journey. But to everyone’s surprise, it is just another grade or year of study. Ways to prepare for the exam don’t even differ, unlike parents who are on top of students’ heads asking them to give their best and put in extra effort compared to other grades.
After you are more or less down with preparation, go and ask your expert subject teachers or seniors for previous years’ question papers and sample papers. You can also get them at stationery shops for respective subjects. Then, create an exam-like environment around you, sit with a stopwatch, and confine yourself to finishing the papers in the number of hours you will get to write the board exam. This will help you get accustomed to the exam environment, understand the paper style, different sections, and the format of questions, and finish them in the allotted time.