CBSE Affiliation No. : #430367

PRE PRIMARY School in Ahmedabad


Pre-primary education is the foundation stone for a child’s bright future. It will acclimatise children to the process of learning and the structure of the school curriculum. It is also popularly known as KG, kindergarten, playschool, or preschool.
At Divya Jyot, we look forward to developing social, personal, and interpersonal skills in children through interactive games. Pre-primary schooling is meant to open up kids and their minds and widen their horizons by bringing them out of their cocoon called their sweet home. They meet children, teachers, and other people at school and learn how to behave in public places, talk to strangers and be approachable.
The best time to inculcate morals, values, and principles into students is believed to be childhood. Thus, we understand the value of our teachings and have the most qualified teachers that teach children with great compassion and care. With appropriate word games they enhance their vocabulary, events, or competitions work on their problem-solving skills, competitiveness, and team spirit and by personifying confidence and kindness, inspire them to be the same.
The bifurcation of Divya Jyot pre-primary school goes this way – Junior KG for children aged 3-4 years and Senior KG for children aged up to 5 years. We prepare them for formal education and teach the fundamental concepts of shapes, numbers, colours, animals, plants, etc that help ease the transition to formal schooling.

So, contact the best CBSE Preschool in Shilaj, Ahmedabad today, and let us cement a strong foundation for your child’s prosperous future.

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